The old villages of Hollókõ and Rimetea

The old villages of Hollókõ and Rimetea and their surroundings is part of the Tentative list of Romania in order to qualify for inclusion in the World Heritage List. It is a proposed extension of Hollókö WHS.
Rimetea is a village that developed during the 17th and 18th centuries. It comprises some 200 traditional buildings. The former iron mining town has a majority Hungarian population and lies close to the border.
Map of The old villages of Hollókõ and Rimetea
Load mapThe coordinates shown for all tentative sites were produced as a community effort. They are not official and may change on inscription.
Community Reviews
Jakob Frenzel

August 2024 - on our detour to Rosia Montana, we made another smaller detour to Rimetea. It is actually an Hungarian village. The inhabitants speak hungarian. And already in the morning there were tour busses visiting from Hungary.
As we did not plan to visit Hollökö, which we did due to changes in the itinerary, Rimetea was supposed to be an alternative. Landscape wise it is more spectacular, but Höllökö has wooden houses, this one typical Hungarian Stone houses, as you also find them in north Slovakia.
We had breakfast with another straying dog and continued our journey to Goldbach.
Lisu Marian

Somewhere in genuine Transylvania, where Cluj meets Alba, the fairytale-like village of Râmetea is found, within a walking distance from Colțești. Situated just at the bottom of the Apuseni Mountains, it portrays an image of the Middle Ages, frozen in space and time. This specific area is part of the universal patrimony and comes together with Holoko, a village situated in Hungary – two twin villages, which possess a spectacular architecture that dates back to the XVII century, combined with just the right amount of modernism.
Râmetea, which has been populated ever since the ancient Roman times, has slowly become an important a crafts-center, having represented the ore reserve back in the day and having encouraged every other related industries. The amount of money that has been made by those who used to melt metals for a living has undoubtedly supported all art-related domains. The mix between the Saxons and those of the Szekely Land has led to the creation of an unique and incredibly beautiful local costume and of some amazing traditions. The village museum, located at the top floor of the building that still functions as the town-hall, offers a vivid image of a past that has somehow been preserved with time. The chairs that round the table found at the entry have sculptures that depict beaks of birds, which are placed facing one another if the hosts are in a good mood. Otherwise, the chairs are placed in antagonistic positions, which lets the guests know there’s no place for discussion. Shades like red and blue are predominant in any kind of textile, on a white font, which is mandatory. But the images created are breathtaking!
There are a multitude of things that were used on a daily basis in any home, but also things that portray the depth of what religion and spirituality meant back then. The local costume has become the distinctive element of this area, due to its combination of the European civilization with the local, traditional one. Traditional buildings are yet another important aspect, displaying never-before seen elements that represent the historical heritage. Houses down the streets have kept their antique looks, with ateliers and old annexes being preserved and on the road that leads to a path meant to take you up on the mountains, tourists can still find the two mills that used to represent the village’s way of survival. An owner of one of these beautiful houses has been kind enough to show us how he keeps multicolored fish in a well-improvised fish tank, so friendly and accustomed with humans that they nearly eat out of the palm of your hand. Over the years, this area has had as many moments of glory as it has had of decay, the expansion of the siderurgical side at a huge scale eclipsing the local extraction of metal. I advise you do not miss the quite difficult, yet very eye-pleasing route on the tightest street this village has, that leads right on top of the hill where the Saxon Church can be found. Near the top you will find the oldest house of the village, beautifully preserved, which reminds you of the way people used to live a few centuries ahead of our time.
At the margins of Râmetea, there are ruins of the old medieval buildings and constructions which represented a way of protecting the village against any kind of danger that might have come its way in a time of crisis or attack and even graves of those who have fallen, carved up in hard, mountain rock. As a way of relaxation take some time to visit the Mansion, which offers an exquisite landscape. It will feel like the time has stopped for a minute and you will definitely not regret spending a quiet moment, away from the hazard of the outside world.
Read more from Lisu Marian here.
Site Info
- Full Name
- The old villages of Hollókõ and Rimetea and their surroundings
- Country
- Romania
- Added
- 2012
- Extension of
- Hollókö WHS
- Type
- Cultural
- Categories
- Urban landscape - Post-medieval European
- Link
- By ID
Site History
2012 Added to Tentative List
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25 Community Members have visited.