World Heritage in Cabo Verde

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Tentative List
Site | Added | Scheduled | Type | Reviews | Visitors | Rating |
Camp de concentration de Tarrafal | 2016 | 2026 | Cultural | 2 | 21 | 71% |
Centre historique de Nova Sintra | 2016 | Cultural | 0 | 5 | 100% | |
Centre historique de Praia | 2016 | Cultural | 1 | 35 | 44% | |
Centre historique de São Filipe | 2016 | Cultural | 1 | 17 | 29% | |
Complexe d'aires Protégées de l'île de Santa Luzia et des Ilots Branco et Raso | 2016 | Natural | 0 | 1 | N/A | |
Parc Naturel Cova, Paúl et Ribeira da Torre | 2016 | Mixed | 1 | 5 | 100% | |
Parc Naturel de Fogo – Chã das Caldeiras | 2016 | Natural | 1 | 16 | 100% | |
Salines de Pedra de Lume | 2016 | Mixed | 2 | 14 | 67% | |
Country info
- Official Name
- Cabo Verde
- Region
- Africa
- WHC location
- -
- WHC member
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Recent Reviews
- Camp de concentration de Tarrafal (T) Els Slots The Netherlands - 16-Feb-25 -
- Cidade Velha Els Slots The Netherlands - 13-Feb-25 -
- Salines de Pedra de Lume (T) Svein Elias Norway - 05-Jan-25
- Centre historique de Praia (T) Randi Thomsen Norway - 05-Jan-25 -
- Camp de concentration de Tarrafal (T) Wojciech Fedoruk Poland - 01-Aug-18 -
- Cidade Velha Wojciech Fedoruk Poland - 26-Jun-18 -
- Parc Naturel de Fogo – Chã das Caldeiras (T) Wojciech Fedoruk Poland - 20-Jun-18 -
- Centre historique de São Filipe (T) Wojciech Fedoruk Poland - 15-Jun-18 -
- Parc Naturel Cova, Paúl et Ribeira da Torre (T) Wojciech Fedoruk Poland - 16-Apr-18 -
- Salines de Pedra de Lume (T) Louise Australia - 18-Sep-12
Country Complete
The following 67 Community Members have visited all WHS in this country:
A. Mehmet Haksever . Andrea & Uwe Zimmermann . Artur Anuszewski . Ask Gudmundsen . Bill Maurmann . Bram de Bruin . Christoph . Daniel Gabi . Dimitar Krastev . Donald M Parrish Jr . Dutchbirder . Els Slots . emi_mimmi . Emili . Emili Xaus . Eva Kisgyorgy . FGKJR1492X . Gernot . Hadrianus . Harry Mitsidis . Iain Jackson . Jana and Matt . Janos . João Aender . Jon Opol . jonathanfr . Joshuakirbens . Judith Tanner . jxrocky . Kasienka5 . Kevin247 . Loic Pedras . Longdutch . Luis Filipe Gaspar . Mahuhe . marcel staron . Mariam . Martin Lind (Switzerland) . Michael Novins . Mikek . Mikko . NataliaS . Nick Kuzmyak . Pascal Cauliez . Persian Globetrotter . Philipp Leu . Pierre T . Potsdamer . Preiki . Randi Thomsen . Reisedachs . Roger Ourset . Roman Bruehwiler . shaka_schulz . SHIHE HUANG . Solivagant . Stijn . Svein Elias . Szucs Tamas . Thomas Buechler . tony0001 . Toya HornHoward . Vanessa Buechler . Weecheng . Wo_ko . Wojciech Fedoruk . Yongcheng Liu .