World Heritage in United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates


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Map of World Heritage in United Arab Emirates

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  • Cultural
  • Natural
  • Mixed
  • Tentative

World Heritage Sites

Al Ain 2011 Cultural 8 171 2.63

Tentative List

Abu Dhabi Sabkha 2018 Natural 0 12 0%
Al Bidya Mosque 2012 Cultural 1 18 100%
Ed-Dur Site 2012 Cultural 0 5 0%
Faya Palaeolandscape 2023 2025 Cultural 2 10 67%
Hatta Archaeological Landscape (Emirate of Dubai) 2023 Cultural 1 6 0%
Khor Dubai 2012 Cultural 3 92 18%
Mleiha, Late Pre-Islamic Center of a South-East Arabian Kingdom 2023 Cultural 1 12 40%
Settlement and Cemetery of Umm an-Nar Island 2012 Cultural 0 2 N/A
Sharjah: the Gate to Trucial States 2014 Cultural 2 50 50%
Shimal 2020 Cultural 0 5 100%
Sir Bu Nair Island 2012 Natural 0 1 N/A
The Cultural Landscape of Dhayah 2020 Cultural 0 5 0%
The pearl trading town of Jazirat Al-Hamra 2020 Cultural 1 6 0%
The Rock Art of the Emirate of Sharjah 2023 Cultural 0 4 0%
Trading town of Julfar 2020 Cultural 1 8 0%
Wadi Al Helo: Testimony of Bronze Age Copper Production 2023 Cultural 1 3 0%
Wadi Wurayah National Park 2021 2026 Natural 1 5 0%

Former Tentative Sites

The Cultural Landscape of the Central Region in the Emirate of Sharjah 2012 2023 1

Country info

Official Name
United Arab Emirates
Arab States
WHC location
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Recent Reviews

Country Complete

The following 171 Community Members have visited all WHS in this country:

A. Mehmet Haksever . Adrian Turtschi . Afshin Iranpour . Alessandro Votta . Alexander Barabanov . Alexander Lehmann . Alexander Parsons . Ali Zingstra . Aljaz . Allison Vies . Ammon Watkins . Artur Anuszewski . Atila Ege . Bazikoln . Bernard Joseph Esposo Guerrero . bgbaum . Bin . Boj . Bram de Bruin . Carolinerowe25 . Chen Taotao . chenqtao . Cheryl . . Christoph . Christravelblog . Clyde . Coulpete . Csaba Nováczky . CugelVance . Daniel C-Hazard . DeanS . Dimitar Krastev . disnsam . Docnair . Donald M Parrish Jr . Donnico . Dorejd . Els Slots . ELVAN YURDUSEN . Errol Neo . Eva Kisgyorgy . Fan Yibo . Femke Roos . FGKJR1492X . . futtaimhb . Garrett . George Gdanski . Gianmarco . GithaK . Haining Guan . Hanming . Harald T. . Harry Mitsidis . henryjiao18 . Iain Jackson . Ivan Rucek . JanetB . Janos . Jay T . Jeanne OGrady . Jezza . john booth . John Smaranda . Johnson Zhao . jonathanfr . jonathanliao . Jonoprout . Jordanovichy . Joyce van Soest . Judith Tanner . JudyWalsh . Junwang111 . Juropa . Kasienka5 . Kbecq . KeithBailey . Kelly Henry . Ken DJ . Kevin McFarland . Kim, Soo-youn . Klaus Bondar . Knut . Kyle Magnuson . Lars Jensen . Lidiane . liu tuo . Loic Pedras . Luis Filipe Gaspar . Luke LOU . Maciej Gil . Maki Wang . Malgorzata Kopczynska . marcel staron . Martina Rúčková . Marvin B. . MHasuly . Michael Novins . Michal Kozok . Michal Marciniak . Michiel Dekker . Mihai Dascalu . Mikal Ahmet . Mikek . MikeWaters . Mikko . Milan Jirasek . Miloš Tašković . MWaters66 . nej153 . Nihal Ege . ninifishes . Olli-Pekka Turunen . Patrik . Philipp Peterer . Piotr Wasil . polyommatus_icarus . Rachel Perkins . Ralf Regele . Randi Thomsen . Raphael . Reza . Rica Duchateau . Rick Ohm . Riomussafer . rivr . Rob Wilson . Rodinia . Roger Ourset . Roland . Roman Koeln . Roman Raab . Sandmann15 . SaoDies . Sascha Grabow . saxondean . seethebee . Sergio Arjona . SHIHE HUANG . Solivagant . Sophie . Stanislaw Warwas . Super-Sophie . Svein Elias . Szabolcs Mosonyi . Szucs Tamas . Tamara Ratz . Tarquinio_Superbo . Thomas Buechler . Thomas van der Walt . Timothy C Easton . tjark . triath . Trine . Valentina . Vernon Prieto . Vicente B. Avanzado Jr. . VMThumper . Wait About . Wang Qin . WHS Lux . Wo_ko . Wojciech Fedoruk . Wuzefelix . xavier b . Xiquinho Silva . Yongcheng Liu . Zach . Zhenjun Liu . Zoë Sheng .