Berlin Modernism Housing Estates

Berlin Modernism Housing Estates
Photo by Els Slots.

The Berlin Modernism Housing Estates represent low-income housing architecture from the early 20th century.

The six estates were urban and architectural innovations in search of improved housing and living conditions. The prominent architects Bruno Taut, Martin Wagner and Walter Gropius contributed to these projects, which also included garden design.

Community Perspective: Ian has perfectly described the mixed emotions this site evokes. Nan visited all locations and some more; he even stayed overnight in one. Hubert visited all 6 components in one day on public transport. The Hufeisensiedlung may be the most exceptional; Elena has revealed a tip to view this like a resident.

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Germany - 07-Feb-25 -

Berlin Modernism Housing Estates by Nan

In 2012, while visiting Berlin for a job interview, I took the opportunity to visit three locations of the Modernism Housing Estates before my interview. The interview was at lunchtime, so I had ample time in the morning. I began my visit at Schillerstraße, then walked to Weiße Stadt before taking a bus and train to Wohnsiedlung Carl Legien.

My impression of these sites at the time aligns well with Ian's summary: In the suburbs of post World War 2 Germany, they look pretty common place, a testament to the significant influence of the architects (most notably Taut and Scharoun) and ideas behind them. What sets these early examples apart from their post-war imitations is their superior design. They exhibit thoughtful use of colour and form, a sense of artistry and artisanship, and a social commitment to enhancing workers' lives — qualities often missing in later copies.

These housing estates belong to the Neues Bauen movement, which is often confused with Bauhaus. While the two are closely related, they are distinct. While Bauhaus aimed to create architecture for the masses, it largely ended up catering to the wealthy; Fagus was built by and for the factory owner, not the workers. Neues Bauen, on the other hand, successfully provided affordable, modern housing for the working class — a legacy that continues today with these housing estates still providing affordable housing to Berliners.

Turns out, I got the job and visited Berlin frequently for work, though after-work visits to these suburban locations proved challenging due to their distance from the city centre.

Nearly a decade later, in September 2022, I received a private invitation to Berlin and stayed in Wedding at the Friedrich-Ebert-Siedlung. Though not part of the original World Heritage nomination, the Friedrich-Ebert-Siedlung is from the same period and belong to Neues Bauen as the architect is none other than Bruno Taut. Unfortunately, poor renovations excluded them from consideration. They are in the same neighbourhood as Schillerpark which we visited on a casual stroll. The next day, we visited the Bauhaus building in Bernau.

Eight months later, I finally made it to Britz. My host had become my girlfriend and she gifted me a three-night stay at Tautes Heim for my birthday — a pricey experience at over €500 for the minimum stay (fyi: we ended up splitting the cost). It’s the only way to actually experience the site's Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) first hand. The owners meticulously restored the building with great attention to historical details, including the furniture and most importantly the original colour schema by Taut. The picture is from the upstairs bedroom.

By today's standards, Tautes Heim is modest: steep stairs, a small kitchen, and no ground-floor bathroom. Yet it's a delightful place to stay, with a well-designed garden, a sunlit bedroom upstairs, and an efficient floor plan that fits many amenities into a small space. The hosts also have some info boards in the basement. Personally, I could well have seen us moving in and enjoying life in the suburbs. Small piece of trivia: The proprietors of Tautes Heim are descendants of the landscape architect (Ludwig Lesser) of Gartenstadt Falkenberg.

Only parts of the Britz settlement are inscribed. There were competing building companies at work: a progressive/socialist (GEHAG and Taut) and a conservative one (Degewo). This provides a clear contrast between the traditional architecture and Neues Bauen while you visit. 

Later that year, we took guided tours of Siemensstadt and the proposed extension at Waldsiedlung Zehlendorf. Zehlendorf was underwhelming both as a tour and as a potential extension. A renovated Friedrich-Ebert-Siedlung would likely be a better extension candidate. Siemensstadt stood out as an unusual location, built as a company suburb for Siemens, which once employed 65,000 people in Berlin and even operated its own train line to their factories. The tour was memorable, offering valuable historical context.

The final piece of the puzzle was Tuschkastensiedlung, which we visited in November — more than 12 years after my first visit to Schillerpark. It's the most remote location and rather small in size. Of the bunch, it is also the oldest one, i.e. pre World War 1 when the rest were created in Weimar Germany (post World War 1). Gartenstadt (Garden City) Falkenberg still shows very strong links to the original British Garden City template, the main deviation being Taut's colours. I would consider Falkenberg a transitional location. While all housing estates have green areas and attached large public parks (Schillerpark literally means park of Schiller), the post World War 1 examples are distinct from the British movement.

For those with limited time in Berlin, I recommend prioritizing Britz. With the Hufeisen and Red Wall, it offers iconic structures and a comprehensive experience. If time is very tight, Carl Legien is the most accessible but lacks iconic elements and will not give you much appreciation of the OUV. Schillerpark and Weiße Stadt are within walking distance of each other and make a convenient pair. In addition, the area has more housing estates from the period, providing ample opportunities to explore the architecture of Weimar Republic Berlin, including the tainted Heimatschutz style. Siemensstadt features the widest range of architects but lacks a cohesive feel and as sole company town it's not very representative of the locations. Tuschkasten is only suited for completionists.

Historic Background

The tour we took of Siemensstadt was very entertaining and informative. The guide hammered home why these buildings are important and what their OUV is. Key bit you need to understand is that Germany pre World War 1 was ... very conservative. It also wasn't very friendly to workers or renters. Basically, a building in Berlin only needed to meet two criteria and both were related to fire: The facade wasn't allowed to be higher than the street, so if it were to fall it would not start a fire across the street. And the inner yards needed to be large enough for the fire fighters to turn their carriage (5.34x5.34m). There were no requirements on light, sanitation, maximum occupancy, ventilation, ...

It was common for people to sleep in shifts in these flats, i.e. that you would rent out your bed for the day while you were off working, like a bunk bed in a barrack. The name of these buildings was "Mietskaserne" (rental barrack). The typical Mietskaserne was built in Blockrandbebauung, that means every building (Bebauung) reached the full edge (Rand) of the area (Block) and would connect with backwards buildings via multiple inner court yards sized min. 5.34.x5.34m. No room for greenery.

After World War 1 Berlin faced a massive housing crisis due to returning soldiers, fleeing Germans, and the economic crisis driving people to the capital. With the restrictions of the Empire lifted, progressive minds set to find new solutions. Apart from the many involved architects, Martin Wagner in his role as politician (he was also an architect) had a key influence by driving the construction of new buildings for the lower classes in Berlin. It should be noted that for their time these buildings were very luxurious, intentionally, each having their own toilets in a time when most toilets were shared between multiple flats. Wagner also came up with a way to finance these building projects. The hyper inflation of 1923 basically devalued most financial assets, but real estate kept its value. It was via a dedicated real estate tax that new housing was paid for, giving many German modernist architects ample opportunities to practice their craft.

Looking at today's housing challenges in Berlin, I am ambivalent on the historic lesson. On the one hand side, if crisis ridden, hyper inflationary and broke Weimar Germany can solve housing, today's wealthy and stable Germany should easily be able to, too. On the other hand, we aren't.

In a twist of irony, the former Mietskasernen have become quite sought after. With some renovations (toilets, windows) and a 50% lower occupancy these are quite nice flats.

Getting There

It follows from their history, that the sites are mostly located outside the S-Bahn Ring of Berlin in what used to be the outskirts of Berlin; they aren't anymore. Again, following from their history, all sites have good public transport connections with subways or rail linking them up. Given their distribution (Siemensstadt West, Schillerpark and Weiße Stadt North, CarL Legien North West, and Britz and Falkenberg South East), covering all locations in a day means spending a lot of time on trains.

Getting In

There really aren't many options to experience the "housing" in "housing estates". Tautes Heim is basically your only option. It's a very nice experience, but often booked months in advance and it comes with a high price point. At Britz, there is also a small exhibition, but the opening times (Sundays) weren't working for us when we stayed. At Siemensstadt, there used to be one. Otherwise, I am a bit at a loss. While I appreciate, housing being used as housing, making a world heritage site accessible, should be part of the deal; here, it isn't.

While You Are There

Germany aims to extend the site by including Zehlendorf. On our visit, it didn't add much to the overall experience and given it's yet again far off location (South West), I wouldn't make the effort. The Friedrich Ebert Siedlung meanwhile is near Schillerstraße and should be included in a visit. If you compare the renovated parts with the old ones, you can see what a difference the original colours by Taut make. You also can see Brick Stone Expressionism and the Heimatschutz style in Wedding. Last but not least, Wedding sheds a little light on the colonial past of Germany with the Afrikanisches Viertel.

If you are interested in Neues Bauen or Bauhaus, Berlin offers many additional sites, most notably the AEG Turbinenhalle and the union building in Bernau (WHS).

Elena Y

Ireland - 05-Oct-23 -

Berlin Modernism Housing Estates by Elena Y

I visited two of Berlin's six inscribed housing estates on a Friday morning. I had picked, surprise surprise, Falkenberg (for its beauty) and Hufeisensiedlung Britz (for its infostation/cafe, more on that later), and neither of them disappointed. Being where they are they both have very good rail connections, and I was able to make a detour for a packed lunch in Tempelhof Airfield between the two and still have a very relaxed itinerary.

I love walking around picturesque garden villages, so Falkenberg was always going to go over well. It's a bit out of place with the other examples, but it speaks volumes to Taut's brilliance and can't be omitted. It's very compact - hence why photographs of it are usually so close up - but never feels it thanks to its cleverly placed greenery. There's only one proper road, the first part of the estate to greet train users, that runs through it, so traffic basically doesn't exist to interrupt the 'vintage' feel. (For supplies or the bathroom you'll need to talk a short walk to the 'Taut Passage' shopping centre, which makes no attempt to match the vibe!)

If you want a taster of how Taut's interiors looked, you'd do well to visit Hufeisensiedlung Britz. There they have a small 'Infostation', which is in reality a community cafe that's open on Fridays and Sunday afternoons. For a mere €1.50 you can get a very nicely brewed coffee, sit outside (or at the window if you'd prefer), and really soak in the architecture - see the attached picture. They also sell postcards and t-shirts if you're into collecting WHS souvenirs, and most relevantly, they have a tiny €1 exhibit that includes a reconstruction of a typical kitchen from the time of construction. With its window looking out to the centre of the horseshoe, it's the closest you'll get to experiencing residency without actually staying there. The actual estate is built around that centrepiece apartment block unlike the spread-out nature of Falkenberg, so I spent less time actually walking around here. Said block is lovely to dander around too, of course.


Czechia - 29-Dec-19 -

Berlin Modernism Housing Estates by Matejicek

I visited 5 of 6 locations soon after the inscription some 10 years ago, but still have not managed to see the most appreciated component by our communitity - Tuschkastensiedlung. The first visit I would call as "exploratory", and I was not disappoined. My favorit component is Hufeisensiedlung and I visited this place then several times on every occasion. The reason is not only convenient location on the U-bahn line but very delicate atmosphere I feel during every my visit.

I like not only the blueish horshoe building with the pond in the middle but also dark red small buildings assembled to rhombus shapes located to the West from the main building. 

I was thinking intensively why I tend to visit the Hufeisen, and my answer is that I do not take this site as an intelectual construct that was evident from other reviews - that the site is interesting because of permanent impact on few prominent Bauhaus architects on our everyday life. Instead, I take it in purely emotional way based on what I can see on the site but not what I have read about modern architecture before. In fact, I usualy (but not always) use this principle also during my visitits to medieval sites. To conclude, parts of this WHS emanate similar spirit to me as I can feel for example in Siena. This justifies its OUV in my opinion (I hope it is not too esoteric  - see PHOTO).

Michael Turtle

Australia - 07-Jan-16 -

Berlin Modernism Housing Estates by Michael Turtle

This is a slightly odd WHS - a bunch of apartment buildings, you ask? But they are actually surprisingly interesting. I quite enjoy sites that are still living parts of a city.

I visited three of the six apartment blocks, using a rental cycle to get between them and then back to my accommodation in the centre of Berlin. First I went to Wohnstadt Carl Legien, then Weiße Stadt and then Siedlung Schillerpark.

There weren't many people around and nobody seemed to mind that I was wandering through the grounds and taking photos - I guess they're used to it.

I have since learned that there are actually some tours you can do which will take you inside some of the apartments - I wish I had done one of them because I think it's hard to completely understand the significance until you've seen how people live in the blocks.

Read more from Michael Turtle here.

Klaus Freisinger

Austria - 15-Aug-14 -

On a sunny summer Saturday, I made full use of a public transport day ticket and visited 3 of the 6 inscribed parts of this site. I first went to Gartenstadt Falkenberg (near the Grünau S-Bahn stop), then to Britz (near the Parchimer Allee underground stop), and then to Siemensstadt (stretching between the Halemweg and Siemensdamm underground stops). All 3 were easily accessible by underground or S-Bahn, and although I'm not a big fan of modern architecture in general, it was quite pleasant to criss-cross the city and see Berlin from a different perspective. Each estate seemed to provide a high quality of living - I enjoyed Falkenstadt for its park-like setting and multi-coloured houses, and Britz for its unique horseshoe shape and pretty pond in the centre of the horseshoe. To me, Siemensstadt was the least attractive of these 3, as it features row after row of multi-storeyed houses where only the balconies are somewhat unique.


Malta - 03-Jun-14 -

Berlin Modernism Housing Estates by Clyde

I visited this WHS in May and June 2014. Once I landed in Schönefeld airport, I drove for about 10-15mins to Gartenweg to visit Tuschkastensiedlung Falkenberg. There is an information board in English and German to illustrate which houses are inscribed in which year they were built. It's a pleasant stroll in a tree-lined and cobblestoned street with colourful painted houses, most of which having well kept gardens. I took a couple of photos of the most striking houses and facades but I didn't feel comfortable taking photos of people's private property (especially since there were quite a few elderly women killing time near their windows!). A few days later I drove to the Hufeisensiedlung Britz which I found to be less interesting on the whole since its horseshoe shape is not that evident from the pavement. I also spotted it for a few seconds just after take off from Berlin and then it was easy to recognise from its shape. I'm glad I visited this WHS as there aren't too many modernism sites on the list. However, I wouldn't describe this WHS as one of Germany's best WHS and on the whole I wouldn't describe it as having outstanding universal value.


UK - 16-Sep-13 -

Berlin Modernism Housing Estates by Solivagant

As other reviews have shown, it is possible, if you wish, to see all 6 sites in a day using the U-Bahn. For those with less interest or stamina our experience of taking in just 3 with a car might be of use. Our general plan was to pass by Berlin to the west and, whilst so doing, we were able to take in Siemensstadt, Schillerpark and Weiße Stadt in around 2 hours elapsed with what we felt was “reasonable” viewing/ “walking around” time. We started around 5.30pm and didn’t find parking or traffic a problem.

We approached from the South on the A100 and the turn to Siemensstadt is well signed where the Stadtring it is joined by the A111. The road leads to the centre of Siemensstadt via Siemensdamm – turn right at the U-Bahn station along Jungfernheideweg and you are in the Siedlung. We parked without payment or limitation on the right in Goebelstr. The WHS aspects of Siemensstadt are well signed with an information board (in German) in front of each block. At the end of Goebelstr, where it reaches Goebelplatz, is an information centre/café - but it was closed when we were there. The variety of the estate buildings demonstrates well the fact that 6 different architects were each given freedom to develop their own style – my architectural knowledge wouldn’t have been enough to identify whose “block” was whose so it was good to have the explanations!

Next we went to Schiller Park. The first part of this is very easy – just return along Siemensdamm and follow the signs to Wedding along the A100 - a distance of just under 8kms. The final km is a bit more difficult – after the A100 gives way to Seestr, you need to keep an eye open for the significant road of Mullerstr – turn left and then 3rd right into Barfusstr with the Park on either side of you – the estate is N of the park. The main thing to remember is that Schillerpark is to the left of Seestr around 2kms after you join it. If you go too far the housing will have ceased and you will see a park on your left which is an extension of Schillerpark – in which case, work your way round by dead reckoning! We saw no signs in Schiller Park advertising its WHS status and certainly its housing was the least “notable” of the 3 estates we saw – which of course could indicate just how significant it was in setting the future standard for such estates! Unlike the other estates we saw it was the work of just one architect –Bruno Taut.

Schillerpark to Weiße Stadt is incredibly easy. You reach it by continuing N along Barfusstr which becomes Aroser Allee where it bears left (you have no alternative). After 1 km you are there and you can’t miss the iconic blocks and, finally, the Bridge House overflying Aroser Allee (photo). There was signage here, primarily for the Seidlung as a whole, but we also found a tribute to one of the 3 architects involved - the Jewish architect Bruno Ahrends who was responsible for the main Aroser Allee “sweep”. In our eyes this estate had perhaps the most memorable visible impact but I wouldn’t suggest missing out either of the other 2 given the relative ease with which they could be fitted in to provide a range of experiences.


Austria - 04-Feb-12 -

Berlin Modernism Housing Estates by Hubert Scharnagl

I can imagine that for some people it is difficult to understand why these housing estates are a WHS. Certainly many visitors think: What is so special here? That looks just like my neighborhood. But as Ian Cade wrote in his review: this should be taken as evidence for the success and impact of this architecture.

The housing estates are spread widely over Berlin, but I managed to visit them all in one day. But I had to start early in the morning and I spent much time in S-Bahn trains and stations. All estates have in common that they are very well maintained. Fortunately, the significance of the estates was already recognized in the 1960s and 70s and the buildings have been restored, in West Berlin as well as in the former GDR.

The modern concept of social housing differed significantly from the traditional tenement blocks. The building blocks were open at the edges, there were many green areas and courtyards. The apartments had a high standard with bathrooms and private kitchens and many of them have balconies. The estates are different in their style and appearance. The Hufeisensiedlung Britz is probably the most exceptional of the six estates because of its central structure in form of a horseshoe. Falkenberg is a suburban estate with terraced houses and gardens, striking are the bright colors of the houses. The other estates are rather urban residential areas. Schillerpark was the first modern urban estate in Berlin, with its red brick facade it reminds of the Amsterdam School of architecture (such as Het Schip). The Siedlung Carl Legien is closest to the city centre (near Prenzlauer Berg), but in my eyes it is the least rewarding estate. For me, the Weiße Stadt (photo) was the most interesting, maybe because the white cubistic elements reminded me of the Bauhaus style. Weiße Stadt and the nearby Siemensstadt (with the largest blocks) probably had the greatest influence on the architecture after WWII. However, in many of the later copies the principles of healthy and dignified housing are barely visible.

I am interested in modern architecture, but I must admit that from a tourist point of view this WHS is not very attractive (the whole day I did not see any other people taking photos). But I really enjoyed strolling through these neighbourhoods, eating a 'Currywurst' at a snack stall and drinking a local beer at a typical Berlin pub.

I like Berlin very much, mainly because of the 'mixture' of different architectural styles. Some recommendations for modern architecture: the government buildings around the Reichstag (and of course its glass dome), the Jewish Museum, the Holocaust memorial, and the quarter south of the Tiergarten with the Philharmonie (Scharoun), the New National Gallery (Mies van der Rohe), and many newly built embassies.

John booth

New Zealand - 16-Oct-10 -

Berlin Modernism Housing Estates by John Booth

Compared to the drab dilapidated post-war housing estates of Britain I found these housing estates in Berlin well maintained and architecturally inspired. In the course of a day, and using the U and S-bahns and the buses I reached all the locations listed. I found the pastel coloured terraced houses at Falkenburg the most attractive.

Jim Hudson

Germany - 03-Jun-09 -

I moved to Berlin a couple of years ago and am gradually working my way around the estates, and have written in particular about the Britz estate here:

I agree with Ian Cade's comment, that the estates can be a little underwhelming. I also feel that they wouldn't be my first choice of a place to live - not because of the quality of design, which is very high - but because they feel rather suburban and far from the centre of things.

Of course this is probably missing the point; it's the terrible slum conditions that these estates sought to replace which need to be considered. It's perhaps ironic that so many younger/wealthier Berliners choose to live in the high density older apartments of Prenzlauerberg, and more increasingly in areas such as Kreuzberg, many of which were built as working class Mietskeserne accomodation.

Els Slots

The Netherlands - 28-May-09 -

Berlin Modernism Housing Estates by Els Slots

My drive back from Poland, where I had visited Wroclaw and the Churches of Peace, brought me on the Berlin Ring Road. I knew that one of the Housing Estates is located close to the Schönefeld Airport, so I looked up its exact location and decided to just stop by. This site is the Gartenstadt Falkenberg, the earliest of the modernist estates (1913). It is nicknamed Tuschkastensiedlung ("Paintbox Estate").

Like the reviewers below have stated about other parts of this serial nomination, this also is ‘just’ a residential area with ordinary people going about their daily business. The main street is the Gartenstadtweg. Here several types of housing can be seen, all in full colour: apartment blocks, free-standing villas and rows of townhouses. All have their own gardens to grow vegetables and flowers. The streets are lined with trees. I'm not sure which of the houses on this street are original, but there are 93 of them according to the nomination dossier.

A sign at the side of the road advertised ‘Do you want to live in a Unesco World Heritage Site? Now for rent: apartments in the 2003 extension of the Gartenstadt. Only 639 EUR per month!’ Obviously not the real thing, but the area, in general, has a very peaceful feel to it due to the abundance of greenery. I wouldn’t mind living there… (maybe ought to look up the local crime rate first).

Paul Heath

UK - 20-Aug-08 -

I first visited Berlin's housing estates in 2006,and was very pleased to find how many survived the war,and how well they had been maintained and restored by the enlightened Berlin authorities.I did not have an exhaustive list of sites at the time,and discovered my hotel was only yards from the Weisse Stadt,which I did not previously know.

I have visited many famous modernist sites -Villa Savoye,Barcelona Pavilion,Quartiers Fruges,Weissenhofsiedlung,Karl Marx Hof,and so on,but the sheer number,scale and setting of the Berlin estates and their lesser-known ,later copies overwhelmed me. The suburbs of Berlin truly show what progressive architecture and landscaping can do to transform the urban environment -I think Berlin is more beautiful than Sienna or Rome,taken as a whole.

Frederik Dawson

Netherlands - 21-Jul-08 -

Berlin Modernism Housing Estates by Frederik Dawson

After read Ian’s review, his comment is exactly what I think about Berlin’s new and the third world heritage site. I was not a fan of modernism, but after many good trips seeing lovely modern buildings such as Bauhaus in Weimar, Chilehaus in Hamburg, Rietveld Schorderhuis in Utrecht and Villa Savoye in Poissy, I developed to enjoy this kind of architecture, but Berlin was not my cup of tea.

In 2005, I chose to see Schiller Park Housing Estate, the first apartment where sunlight, air and nature were the main elements for this utopia designed by Bruno Taut. However, the building I saw was exactly what I could see around my hometown neighborhood, red brick apartment with large windows and located next to the park. At first, I even thought this was a wrong place and I really shocked to discover my map and information were correct and this typical building was the place I intended to visit.

I spend only 10 minutes to walk around the place; there was nothing to see since all of them were private houses and the best thing I could do was strolling in nearby Schiller Park. As I mentioned I totally agreed with Ian’s review, these groups of housing estate are very important and undeniable for its effect throughout the world, but to be honest this maybe one of the least inspiring world heritage sites I’ve seen.

Ian Cade

UK - 14-Jul-08 -

Berlin Modernism Housing Estates by Ian Cade

I am still not too sure what to make of this inscription. On the one hand, I support it, these new housing estates were a key feature in redefining low-income/ social housing which has had a massive effect on peoples lives across the world. In counterbalance to this is the fact that they just weren’t that interesting when I paid them a visit. I know that this is a very subjective thing and preserving Heritage shouldn’t rely on just enjoyment, but the estate I visited just didn’t have the fission of visiting other sites with a similar background (Bauhaus, Mies’ Lake Shore Drive Apartments and the early Skyscrapers in Chicago).

Admittedly I did only visit 1 and spied another from the S-Bahn, perhaps had I spent more time going to some of the other Estates I could give a more glowing recommendation but the time I spent in them did not encourage me to forego Berlin’s numerous other attractions.

I managed to visit Wohnstadt Carl Legien on a cold Saturday morning in November 2007, needless to say I was the only ‘tourist’ here, and the residents were looking some what bemusingly at the guy taking endless photos of the blocks of flats. It was a reasonably rewarding visit for me, mostly as I have an interest in the architecture of this period. The blocks were well planned and spacious and there was a good use of colour (they have recently been restored). But on the whole they felt very familiar and nothing really that outstanding.

I suppose though this is their real value, these were pioneers of so much that effects every day life for millions across the world. That they seem unique is a testament to their success.

The Berlin into which they were built was one of the leading centres of liberal thought and activity, being at the centre of artistic and social progression. This was a great time of change in German and European history before the sudden change of direction that came in the 1930’s. The Berlin of today is once again a progressive and libertarian city with much to merit a visit. The area of Prenzlaur Berg where this particular estate can be found was a real delight to wander around and do some shopping and drinking.

Probably the Britz estate would be the most rewarding to visit as this one has a slightly more distinctive character, however the estates are spread out across Berlin, none particularly close to a major attraction though. The earliest Gardenstadt Falkenburg is located next to the S-Bahn track one stop on from Schönefeld airport so you could in theory visit if you had a slight gap in connecting flights there.

All in all these are pretty important testimonies not only to a change in living conditions for the less privileged but also a lasting testament to a progressive society which unfortunately was very short lived. They may not be the most exciting places to visit but their familiarity to many can be viewed as a sign of their success.

Site Info

Full Name
Berlin Modernism Housing Estates
Unesco ID
2 4
Human activity - Urban planning

Site History

2008 Revision

Includes former TWHS Hufeisensiedlung (1981)

2008 Inscribed


The site has 6 locations

Berlin Modernism Housing Estates: Gartenstadt Falkenberg Berlin,
Berlin Modernism Housing Estates: Siedlung Schillerpark Berlin,
Berlin Modernism Housing Estates: Großiedlung Britz (Hufeisensiedlung)
Berlin Modernism Housing Estates: Wohnstadt Carl Legien Berlin,
Berlin Modernism Housing Estates: Weiße Stadt Berlin
Berlin Modernism Housing Estates: Großiedlung Siemensstadt (Ringsiedlung) Berlin


The site has

Art and Architecture
Human Activity
WHS Hotspots
WHS on Other Lists
World Heritage Process


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Mehmet Haksever A.thum AT8 Adrian Lakomy Adrian Turtschi Airpunk Alessandro Alessandro Votta Alexander Barabanov Alexander Lehmann Alexander Parsons Alfons and Riki Verstraeten Allnamesused Altacyr Amclhr Ana Lozano Andreas Thum AndreasThum Andrew Wembridge Ani AnteEP1979 Argo Ari Kailash Artur Anuszewski Ask Gudmundsen Aspasia Assif Atila Ege Atuzhikova Austra78 Awestix BJGreasly Bamse Bazikoln Bernard Joseph Esposo Guerrero Bill Maurmann Bin Birgitte Sørensen Bob Parda Boj Boppare Bram de Bruin Brigitte Huber C82wc1 CHJLondon Caligari Caminographer Can SARICA Carlos Garrido Carlos Sotelo Carstenhansen Caspar Dechmann Cdowneymd Chen Taotao Cheri O Chris Lee Christer Sundberg Christian Wagner Christoph Christravelblog Cirene Moraes Claire Bradshaw ClaireWhiteley Clem C Clyde Cobaltrage Colossus Coulpete Craig Harder Csaba Nováczky CugelVance Dachangjin3 Dagmara Damientournay Daniel C-Hazard Daniel Gabi Daniela Hohmann Danny L DannyB David Berlanda David Marton David Pastor de la Orden DavidS Delphine Delaunay Diggy Dimitar Krastev Dirk-pieter Donald M Parrish Jr Donnico Dorejd Dpottenr Drinkteatravel Dutchbirder Dwight Zehuan Xiao ELVAN YURDUSEN ERIC ZHOU Eanna81 Einziger Elena Y Eleonora Elf21 Elia Vettorato Eljx1988 Ellen Nielsen Els Slots Erik Jelinek Errol Neo Eva Kisgyorgy FGKJR1492X Fan Yibo Farinelli Fderuet Feanster Fede1203 Fedemarch92 Federico P. Feldhase Felicité Femke Roos Fmannucci Fool79 Frank Britton FrankW Frederik Dawson Fuaron Gary Arndt Gautamiyer23 Geert Luiken George Evangelou George Gdanski GeorgeIng61 GerhardM Gernot Gile363 Greg Troy Grendel Gongan Grimloch Grzegorz Andruszkiewicz Hadas Midbari Haining Guan Harald T. HaraldOest Harry Mitsidis Headventure History Fangirl Homadism Howe Siang Tan Hrishikesh Hubert Hurrvinek Iain Jackson Ian Cade Ingemar Eriksson Ingrid Inomusay Isabellemarais Itahue Ivan Ivan Rucek Jaakkotoivanen Jacob Choi Jakob Frenzel James Bowyer Jan Zimmermann Jan-Willem JanLindgren Jana Frenzel Jana and Matt Jancidobso Jani Hyppanen Janina Lehmann Janis Janos Jarek Pokrzywnicki Jasam Jasm Javier Coro Jay T Jduffhue Jeanne OGrady Jens Jesse S 2010 Jezza Jgera Joaofg Jochem Taanman Joel on the Road JoeriNortier JohanneB John Smaranda John booth Jon Eshuijs Jonas Hagung Jonas Kremer Jonesn15 Jordanovichy Jose Antonio Collar Joshuakirbens Josie Borst Joyce van Soest Judit Dalla Judith Tanner Juha Sjoeblom Jun Zhou Jxrocky Jörg B. KB1 Kacper Olejarski Kai Thorben KarenBMoore Karin Heyl Kasia M. Kasienka5 Kasper Kbtwhs Kelly Henry Kgeographer Kiank37 Kjlauer Klaus Bondar Klaus Freisinger Klmargit Knogles Knut Kristin Krzysztof B Kurt Lauer Kutasp La Concy LaVale Lambert.joaquim Lara Adler Larahartog Lars Jensen Leontine Helleman Leroykstlj Lesoruble Lichia Lidiane Lilimarleenm Lisu Marian Ljowers Loic Pedras Lorenzo Mejino Lorenzo2022 Lostrissa Luboang Lucio Gorla Ludvan Luis Filipe Gaspar Lukasz Palczewski Luki501 MH MMM MaYumin Maciej Gil Mahuhe Malcolm Manuelfunk MarcoB_0 Marcobrey Marie Morlon Markassonne Marleen Speelman-Kooijmans Martin Funkhauser Martina Rúčková Marton Kemeny Matejicek Mattias MatusBeber Maureen Benefield MaxHeAnouBen Małgosia Łupicka Meredith Carter Mia esguerra Michael Mett Michael Novins Michael Rohde Michael Turtle Michaelsballard Michal Marciniak Michiel Dekker Mikael Bjork Mikal Ahmet Mikko Miloš Tašković Minerella Miri2808 Mkmor9913 Mo-han Je Mohboh Morodhi Nan NataliaS Nathalie Goldberg Nicole Lampos Nihal Ege Nikolamus Nikolay Marinov Nils Kronenberg Ninifishes NoahFranc Nykri Okke Pablo Tierno PabloNorte Palka25 Pandapearls Pang Liang Fong Paolo ZaK Paolosan82 Parrot Pascal Cauliez Pasha Globus Patphilly Patrik Paul Schofield Peacemaker2142 Peter Alleblas Peter Lööv Peter Pang PeterH Petteri Philipp Leu Philipp Peterer Phillipmeng Pieter Dijkshoorn Pillaus Pink Bunny Piotr Wasil Polyommatus_icarus Potsdamer Pppppeti Preiki Pressdm Purrfect Q Rafał Kałczuga Ralf Regele Randi Thomsen Ray Ju ReallyDeepThoughts Remigiusz Reza Ri Rivr RobRos Robin Frank Rodinia Roel Sterken Roger Enarsson Roger Ourset Roman Bruehwiler Roman Koeln Roman Raab Roych Ruben Mend Rudegirl Rvieira Ryan Oliver SGPIUnesco Sabrina Liebehentschel Sam Mason Santiago Sascha Grabow Sazanami Schnitzel Seanzhao777 Sebasfhb Sergio Arjona Serimari Shaka_schulz Shandos Cleaver Shijie ZHU Shkedy_uri Shoaibmnagi Sinan Skalec Slavi Smeets Peter Sncjob Socon Sofia SJM Solivagant Sophie Stanislaw Warwas Stetrab Stijn Strogan Sue hayton Super-Sophie Svein Elias Szabolcs Mosonyi TAN TIANG SOON Tangopium Tarquinio_Superbo Tasmith87 Tcchang0825 Tevity Thibault Magnien Thomas Buechler Thomas Kunz Thomas van der Walt Thorben Tino A Offner Tjark Tlaloc Toffee64 Tom Flaten Tony H. Tony0001 Topaas Tourhistrio TravelPeter84 Triath Trine Tsunami Uellendahl Usagi1974 Uwebart VLabhard Valeron4ever Van Hung Vanessa Buechler Vanessacmc Vicente B. Avanzado Jr. Victoria | Bridges and Balloons Vincent Cheung Virp Vladimir Voyager WHS Lux WILLIAM RICH WalGra Walter Walter H. Waterfighter8 Werner Huber Westwards Willem van Altena Wo_ko Wodynski Wojciech Fedoruk Wolfboy Wolfgang Hlousa Wolfgang Sander WolfgangHl Xiong Wei Xiquinho Silva YaroMir Yevhen Ivanovych Yi Han Goh Zach Zacharymackenzie Zhenjun Liu ZivaB Zlatko Zos M Zoë Sheng _johsch_ Александар Стојиљковић

The Plaque

  • Siedlung Schillerpark Berlin, grey metal plaque near Siedlung Schillerpark park area, including all elements and map. - 52.560438958860864, 13.350023295319705
    (photo by Clyde)