World Heritage in Slovakia



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  • Cultural
  • Natural
  • Mixed
  • Tentative

World Heritage Sites

Aggtelek and Slovak Karst 1995 Natural 11 195 3.22
Banska Stiavnica 1993 Cultural 10 194 3.03
Bardejov Town 2000 Cultural 7 187 2.92
Danube Limes 2021 Cultural 6 274 2.06
Primeval Beech Forests 2007 Natural 36 444 2.72
Spissky Hrad and Levoca 1993 Cultural 15 217 3.28
Vlkolinec 1993 Cultural 11 185 2.89
Wooden Churches of the Slovak Carpathians 2008 Cultural 8 226 3.03

Former Tentative Sites

Devin Castle 1995 2002 0
Kezmarok Wooden Articular Church and historical center of the city 1995 2002 1
Mala Fatra NP (Carpathians) 1995 2002 0
Nitra upper town and Castle 1995 2002 0
Slovensky Raj NP 1995 2002 0
The Kysuce-Orava Switchback Railroad 1996 1999 0

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