World Heritage in Luxembourg
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World Heritage Sites
Site | Inscribed | Type | Reviews | Visitors | Rating |
City of Luxembourg | 1994 | Cultural | 12 | 705 | 3.18 |
Tentative List
Site | Added | Scheduled | Type | Reviews | Visitors | Rating |
Former Tentative Sites
Site | Added | Removed | Reviews |
La ville et l'abbaye d'Echternach | 1993 | 2011 | 1 |
La ville et le chateau de Vianden | 1993 | 2014 | 0 |
Country info
- Official Name
- Luxembourg
- Region
- Europe and North America
- WHC location
- -
- WHC member
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Recent Reviews
- City of Luxembourg Els Slots The Netherlands - 30-Dec-21 -
- City of Luxembourg Travel Addicts USA - 23-Sep-19 -
- City of Luxembourg Jakob Frenzel Germany - 04-Jul-19 -
- City of Luxembourg Kbecq Belgium - 30-Aug-16
- City of Luxembourg Tom Livesey United Kingdom - 04-Sep-15
- La ville et l'abbaye d'Echternach (T) Bojana Bartol Slovenia - 19-Feb-14
- City of Luxembourg Clyde Malta - 07-Sep-12 -
- City of Luxembourg Ryan Trapp USA - 28-Jun-11
- City of Luxembourg AC - 24-Jun-11
- City of Luxembourg John booth New Zealand - 07-May-10
Country Complete
The following 706 Community Members have visited all WHS in this country:
_johsch_ . A. Mehmet Haksever . a.thum . aalberty . AC . Adrian Lakomy . Adrian Turtschi . Afshin Iranpour . AGrego . Airpunk . aj.daamen . ajmoya . Alberto Peterle . Alberto Rodriguez Gutierrez . Alessandro Votta . Alex Goh . Alex Marcean . Alexander Barabanov . Alexander Lehmann . alexandrcfif . alexfangel . Alfons and Riki Verstraeten . Ali Zingstra . alicemears . Alikander99 . Allison Vies . Amandaea129 . Ammon Watkins . Amy Tull . Ana . Ana Lozano . andersgrau8 . Andrea & Uwe Zimmermann . Andreas Thum . AndreasThum . AndreaTLV . Andrew Wembridge . Andrew_Kerr . Angel Ying Liu . angelo7g . Argo . Arjan . Arnaud . ArnaudFilloux . arnaugir . Arno.Smit . Artur Anuszewski . Ask Gudmundsen . Aspasia . Astraftis . Atila Ege . Aunti . Austra78 . awestix . AYB . Bamse . bartroem . Bazikoln . bergecn . Bill Maurmann . Bin . binemitz1983 . Birgitte Sørensen . BJGreasly . Bodil Ankerly . Bossc . Bram de Bruin . Brendan Carroll . Bruno_Pires . brunogarcia . Bspooner . butterflybird . ButterflyEarring . byronb . CalvinLoh . Caminographer . Can SARICA . Carlo Medina . carlo.bergonzini . Carlos Garrido . Carstenhansen . Caspar Dechmann . catchant . cavila0817 . Cec . Cezar Grozavu . cflw . cgrannem . chenboada . ChenMing . Cheri O . Cheryl . CHJLondon . Chris Lee . ChrisDorn . Christian Ochse . Christian Wagner . Christoph . Christravelblog . Chunsian01 . Cirene Moraes . CJAB . cjones . Claire Bradshaw . ClaireWhiteley . Clyde . cmtcosta . Cobaltrage . Col . Colossus . comensal . Coppi . corbomite . cosaflora . Craig Harder . Cristina Erba . Criterion . Csaba Nováczky . ctravel . CugelVance . cutiecuscrisori@yaho . CyBeRr . czesioszpachelka . dachangjin3 . Damientournay . Dan Pettigrew . Dan1306 . daneva . Dani Cyr . Daniel C-Hazard . Daniel Gabi . Daniela Hohmann . Danieljbromberg . Danniella . DannyB . David Aaronson & Melanie Stowell . David Berlanda . David Dove . David Gang XU . David Pastor de la Orden . DavidS . Davied . debfc . DeJenerate . . Dennis Nicklaus . Dgjohansson . Dibro . Diggy . Digits . Dimitar Krastev . Dimitrios Polychronopoulos . Dirk-pieter . DjhMck . Djpatten . dkabanov . DMORMAR . Donald M Parrish Jr . Donia . Donnico . Dorejd . DouglasR . Drazsika . . DuSilo . Dutchbirder . DutchHorn . Dutchnick . Dwight Zehuan Xiao . Eanna81 . Echwel . Ecritures . edstar500 . Einziger . Eireann949 . Eirini . Elaine McArdle . Elindomiel . Eline . eljx1988 . Ellen Nielsen . ellenmck . Els Slots . emi_mimmi . Emili . Emili Xaus . Erfe91 . Eric Lurio . Eric PK . Erik G . Erik Jelinek . Errol Neo . Ertai . Eva Kisgyorgy . Ezio1990 . fabi-ddorf . Fabian Teusch . Fan Yibo . farikica . Farinelli . Fderuet . Feanster . Federico P. . Feldhase . Felicité . Femke Roos . ferdimerkx . Fernweh . Ferrocastor . fgiraudo . FGKJR1492X . Filip Murlak . Filippo Ubaldi . FK . Flexiear . flitterfever . fool79 . Francky D'Hoop . Frank Britton . Frederik Dawson . frizzle . FS . Fuaron . Gabbro . Gabor . Garry Jackson . Gary Arndt . garyrjtaylor . Geert Luiken . geographybuff . George Evangelou . George Gdanski . GeorgeIng61 . GerhardM . Gerlach . Gernot . Ghostbear . Gianmarco . Giannis75 . gile363 . Gilles . giloudepuertorico . Gisella . giulio25 . Gonçalo Elias . Gordon Mitchell . grimloch . Gwythyr . Hadrianus . Haining Guan . Hammeel . handballrama . Harald T. . Harry Mitsidis . Hasco . hbeswick . hdhuntphotography . headventure . . heidisaacson . hft . hokee . Howard Brayer . Howard . Hrishikesh . Hsjamsil . Hubert . Hungarian Geographic . Hurrvinek . hyoga . Iain Jackson . Ian Cade . Ian Coldwell . IC . ih0000 . Ingatastic . Ingemar Eriksson . Ingrid . inomusay . IOM . Itahue . Ivan Rucek . Izzet Ege . J. Stevens . Jacob Otten . jagnes . Jakob Frenzel . James Bowyer . James F . Jan Korpeg . Jan Zimmermann . Jan-Willem . Jana and Matt . janameerman . Jancidobso . JanetB . Janeyvette . Janina Lehmann . janis . Janklak . Janos . janssens . Jarek Pokrzywnicki . Jasam . Jasonfd247 . Javier Coro . Jay T . JBeinke . jcendres2 . Jean Lecaillon . jeanaimart . Jeankedezeehond . Jeffrey Chai Ran . Jens . Jessica Rademacher . Jezza . Jiangnan Cai . jianxiong . jkayer . Joachim Nölte-Baumann . João Aender . Joao Farminhao . JobStopar . Joe Kuri . Joel on the Road . JoeriNortier . john booth . John Smaranda . Johnson Zhao . Jon Bauer . Jon Eshuijs . Jon Opol . Jonas Hagung . Jonas Kremer . Jonas Martinsson . jonathanfr . Jose Antonio Collar . JoshHad . Joshuakirbens . JoStof . Joyce van Soest . Jsalda . jsrinivasan . Judit Dalla . Judith Tanner . JudyWalsh . Julie July . Junwang111 . Juropa . Justin . Kacper Olejarski . KAO . KarenBMoore . Kasienka5 . katemple1 . KB1 . Kbecq . Kbtwhs . KeithBailey . Kelise . Kelly Henry . kelseyyurek . kenzaseb . Kevin Padley-Knight . Kevin247 . kgeographer . Khuft . kjluebke . Klaus Bondar . Klaus Freisinger . knogles . Knut . Koen Vliegenthart . KoenigMarke . Kokoro . Krafal_74 . Krijn . ktisgodzilla . La Concy . Lameduck99 . lantian . Lara Adler . Larahartog . Larry F . Lars Bogstad . Lars Jensen . Laurel . Lauren . Leafar98 . Leonie Geurts . Leontine Helleman . lichia . Lidiane . Lisap . Lisu Marian . liverpool1023 . ljowers . Loic Pedras . Londonium . Longdutch . longo.ilaria . Loratodorova . lpranch11 . Lucia . Lucio Gorla . Ludvan . Luis Filipe Gaspar . luisfreire . luki501 . M. Huineman de la Cuadra . Maciej Gowin . mademmer . Mahuhe . Maja . majkl20 . Maki Wang . Malgorzata Kopczynska . Manuelfunk . Marcobrey . Mardigny . Maria Wingate . Marianna . Marie Morlon . Mariellex55 . Marina . Mariska . Markassonne . Marlies van Wolfswinkel . Marta Lempert . Martijn . Martin Lind (Switzerland) . Martina Rúčková . Martinacurra88 . Marton Kemeny . Marty . Mathijs . Matthewsharris . MatusBeber . Max Smits . MaxHeAnouBen . MaYumin . mcclaud71 . MH . mibive . Michael Novins . Michael Turtle . Michael Wojcik . michaelsballard . Michal Kozok . Michal Marciniak . Michiel Dekker . Mikal Ahmet . Mike . Mikek . MikeMa1999 . Mikita M . Mikko . Mikko Syrjä . Milan Jirasek . minerella . Ming_9734 . Mirjam L. . misio_pysio . mistysmoke . Mkprescott . MMM . mnikish730 . Mo-han Je . Mohboh . Monika and Rini . Monika Kalinauskaite . MoPython . Morodhi . n1ko2137 . Naim Y . Nan . Nanvano . Nasebaer . NataliaS . NCosta . nej153 . Niall Sclater . Nicole Kilian . Nihal Ege . nikolasruffet . Nils Kronenberg . ninalr . ninifishes . nmocosta . nmocosta79 . NoahFranc . Nolan B. . nycelle . okvaal . Oliver.pluemper . Olli-Pekka Turunen . opperpco3 . PabloNorte . pandapearls . Pang Liang Fong . paolosan82 . Pascal Cauliez . Pasha Globus . Pat Martin . patphilly . Patrik . Patrik_globe . Paul RYKEN . Paul Schofield . Paulino Michelazzo . peacemaker2142 . Peltzi . Persian Globetrotter . Peter Alleblas . Peter Lööv . PeterA . peterbanks . PeterH . Petri Jurescu . Petteri . pg280172 . Philipp Leu . Philipp Peterer . phillipmeng . Pierre T . Pieter Dijkshoorn . . . pigi9389 . Pincze . Piotr Wasil . PKalnai . polyommatus_icarus . pontobaggins . Potsdamer . pressdm . Purrfect . Q . Qin Xie . Rahelka . Randi Thomsen . Randy Aliwarga, MD . Raphael . Red . Reiseblitz . Reisedachs . Rewal . Reza . Ri . Rica Duchateau . Riccardo Quaranta . Rickard Alfredsson . Riomussafer . rivr . Rob Wilson . RobbyBob . Robertbue . Robin Frank . RobRos . Roccobot . Rodinia . Roel Sterken . Roger Enarsson . Roger Ourset . Roland . Roman Bruehwiler . Roman Koeln . Roman Raab . Royacurt . rswood . Rudegirl . Ruth . Rvieira . s.camel . Sabrina Liebehentschel . Sachin . Sascha Grabow . saxondean . Schnitzel . Sclowitz . SDunn242 . Seadie . seanzhao777 . Sebastian . seethebee . Semixs . Sergio Arjona . Serimari . Shandos Cleaver . SHIHE HUANG . Shijie ZHU . shoaibmnagi . Shu . simmot2019Z . Simonh . Sinan . SirLoydd . Smeets Peter . sneijder55 . snorri . Socon . Sofia SJM . Solivagant . Sophie . Squiffy . Ssong.x . Stacie Yeldell . Stanimir . Stanislaw Warwas . Stefan and Mia . Stefan Loov . Stephanv . stephanvermeulen . Stephen S. Kamin . Stetrab . Stewie . Stijn . Strogan . SueA . Super-Sophie . Suzy OBrien . Svein Elias . Svermeulen . Szucs Tamas . Tamara Ratz . tangopium . Tarquinio_Superbo . Ted Coombs . teebs . Tevity . Thanneermalai L . therabidcow . Thibault Magnien . Thomas Buechler . Thomas Harold Watson . Thomas Kunz . Thomas van der Walt . Timonator . tingmelvin . Tingying He . Tino A Offner . tjark . Tom Flaten . Tom Livesey . tomas.zaruba . tommasorossotti . TomvanBalen . Tony H. . tony0001 . Torkjell Djupedal . Toxicologist . tram2net . Travel Addicts . travellingcat . TravelPeter84 . triath . Trine . Truls Brekke . Tschibi . Tsunami . usagi1974 . V&M . ValiaVeweth . Vanessa Buechler . vanessacmc . Vernon Prieto . Veronika Vaclavek . Vidiot . Virp . VLabhard . Vlad Lesnikov . voice180 . Volker1972 . voyager . Wait About . WalGra . Walter . Walter H. . Wang Qin . Waxwing . Werner Huber . Westwards . WHS Lux . Wieland . WILLIAM RICH . Wimmy . wj1997yi . wodynski . Wojciech Fedoruk . WolfgangHl . wtrentfox . xavier b . Xiquinho Silva . Yang Chengyu . YaroMir . Yevhen Ivanovych . Yi Han Goh . Yiqun Jin . Zach . zfish . Zhenjun Liu . ZiemowitFilip . zman5455 . Zoë Sheng . Zsuzsanna Forray . Александар Стојиљковић .